Saturday, May 26, 2012

Holiday Weekend

I have been enjoying a relaxing holiday weekend.  I pulled out the patriotic decorations and got busy today.

 living room

front hall

 quilt lab

front porch
Happy Memorial Day.
Thank you to all who serve and protect us.


  1. Your house is decorated in such a darling style. Wouldn't mind visiting you any time.

  2. Your flags and other things are wonderful! I got all my patriotic things out Friday, with my little flag on the front porch too. I will really enjoy the decorations from now through July, but the reason for Memorial Day always saddens me. May we never forget! ---"Love"

  3. always fun to see how you decorate
    I LOVE the flower planter in the front of the house, just beautiful
    Happy Memorial day

  4. You have the cutest decorations. I worked yesterday, so I will get my flags out today.
    I will also take time to remember all those who have served our country and those still in service,
